Thursday, December 1, 2016

From Where Is The Spirit of Chivalry Born?

It is common knowledge that society is falling apart and along with it the institution of the family.

Because of this many boys grow up in very disadvantaged circumstances. This is normally used an excuse by many liberals of why young people turn to drugs, gangs and impurity

This is not always the case and there are many out there who do not let the negative things in their lives weigh them down. Instead they rise above all the negativity and sometimes reach the enviable heights of heroism.

Such is the case with Christopher Adlesberger pictured below.

From the blog

His parents divorced when he was only three. He practically grew up with his grandparents. Yet this didn't define his character. Growing up he displayed the raw characteristics of chivalry. He was known to defend kids from bullies. He helped his grandfather before he died and cared for his grandmother until he joined the Marines. He would also do random acts of kindness like mowing the neighbors lawn without being asked or without asking for money.

From this raw material, he grew into something more. The spirit of heroism is not born from vice or sin but from the deep enclaves of virtue in the soul of a person. This is clearly the case with Christopher who received the Navy Cross, the second highest award in the country, for the following citation.

From the blog

He didn't die from that heroic act. Having been injured from it didn't cause him to hesitate when he felt needed to again risk his life for others.

From the blog

Christopher died at that last assault but the nation will never forget, not only his service and sacrifice, but above all the bravery, courage and sense of heroism that leads men to "lay down their lives for their friends."
The essence of heroism is the principle Our Lord Jesus Christ stated that "No greater proof of love than for a man to lay his life down for a friend." (John 15:13) If this principle is true in regard to friends and family and even truer in regard to the nation, then how much more true in regard to God.
This is where the spirit of chivalry is born from.