Thursday, November 2, 2017

Videos from the TFP Student Action Fall Caravan 2017

During our last National Conference in Spring Grove, PA, on October, members of the TFP Student Action and some students from the TFP's St. Louis de Montfort Academy went out on caravan. Here are two videos made of this epic caravan.

This first one shows some of the volunteers. Some are quite young. Most are college age. Some begin the trip timid but eventually lose their timidity and begin to relish the joy of a good street debate.

This second video shows the reaction of college students who were "triggered" by our presence, especially by the sign you see the behind these two fine ladies. It says; "Smile. You survived abortion." For some reason, that phrase really triggered some liberal college students.

Some may not be familiar with TFP terminologies. So let me define a few things.

What is St. Louis de Montfort Academy?

For those who don't know, the TFP runs and staffs a boarding school, grade 8 to 12. It is located in Herndon, PA. It is a select group of boys who like our Call To Chivalry Camp and the type of Catholic environment that is unique to the TFP. What makes it unique is the militant Catholic spirit. Our goal is not to make good little boys who are easily trampled by leftists when they go into college. Our goal is to instill the desire, the habit and the virtue to fight back against the spirit of the world.

The Main Building, called the House of Mary, of the St. Louis de Montfort Academy.
It is a boarding school. This building includes the dormitory, refectory, assembly room, game room and the chapel.

From our perspective, it is the only way to expand the faith. No, our goal is not merely to preserve. Our goal is to make the faith expand in the public square and change society without neither fear nor restraint.

Students sing the Creed in Latin to begin the day. The fog creates a
mysterious ambience.

When Catholics are confirmed, we are confirmed as soldiers in Christ. Few understand what that means. Fewer even act on it. To be a soldier of Christ today means to oppose Satan and all his work, his snares, and his iniquities. In the TFP, we believe to be a soldier of Christ means to resist, to fight, and to take back what belongs to Christ. This spirit to conquer things for Christ is what we want to instill in the hearts of the youth.

What is TFP Student Action and Seat of Wisdom Institute?

For those who don't know, the TFP Student Action is the TFP's college outreach program of our Seat of Wisdom Institute. The Seat of Wisdom Institute is our college level formation course. It's a free three year course aimed in forming Catholic counterrevolutionaries. Not everyone who studies in the Seat of Wisdom Institute end up becoming TFP members but some do. Whatever their later pursuit is in life, whether college, military or vocational career, what they learn in this Institute will help them to keep fighting for the faith.

A clip of the website of the TFP Student Action. It actively promotes Catholic Culture especially in college campuses.

What is a caravan and a campaign?

To understand what a caravan is, you must first understand what a campaign is. A campaign is the TFP's style of street evangelization where to go to the street and engage the public in a discussion on a current topic. Many times TFP Student Action will go to college campuses and engage students in discussion.We train the young men how to debate in public.

Here a volunteer of TFP Student Action and a student at the Seat of Wisdom Institute
engages students. The student in the blue sweater looks like he's about to say something.

A TFP caravan is when a van load, and at times several van load of young volunteers hit the streets in a city far away from our headquarters in Pennsylvania. When they go out doing campaign for several days in a row then we call this a caravan.

Many times the caravan will camp out near their destination cities. It is an exciting and epic
way to spend part of the Summer or the school year.

Please pray for the young men who volunteer for these efforts to defend and promote Christian civilization.