Saturday, April 7, 2018

Protesting A Heinous Blasphemy at Boston's Jesuit College of the Holy Cross

Yet another Jesuit university is showing its anti-Catholic colors.

Here's the write up on this most offensive blasphemy.

This is the same Jesuit college whose mascot, The Crusader, was changed because some students found the sword and the cross offensive. The first image below shows the offensive symbol. The image below that shows the future inoffensive logo.

This is the letter from the administration regarding the decision to change it. What is ironic is that they are worried about a few students being offended by the sword and the cross yet suddenly they preach tolerance for highly offensive heresies under the banner of academic freedom.

Those who are not with him is against him Our Lord Jesus Christ said. Are all the Jesuit colleges this bad? Should not at least one college rise up in defense of its name? In honor of its founder? For the sake of the faith they claim to follow?

If none will, then we will. Three 15 passenger vans full of energetic young men are travelling a full day just to protest this heinous blasphemy. We will gladly defend the honor of Jesus, God the Father, the apostles and Holy Mother Church against this sorry excuse for a professor in a Catholic university and this sorry excuse for a university that still calls itself Catholic.

We will pray the rosary. We will sing hymns. We will play the bagpipes. Above all, we will console Jesus and Mary for this injury to their honor.