Thursday, November 2, 2017

Videos from the TFP Student Action Fall Caravan 2017

During our last National Conference in Spring Grove, PA, on October, members of the TFP Student Action and some students from the TFP's St. Louis de Montfort Academy went out on caravan. Here are two videos made of this epic caravan.

This first one shows some of the volunteers. Some are quite young. Most are college age. Some begin the trip timid but eventually lose their timidity and begin to relish the joy of a good street debate.

This second video shows the reaction of college students who were "triggered" by our presence, especially by the sign you see the behind these two fine ladies. It says; "Smile. You survived abortion." For some reason, that phrase really triggered some liberal college students.

Some may not be familiar with TFP terminologies. So let me define a few things.

What is St. Louis de Montfort Academy?

For those who don't know, the TFP runs and staffs a boarding school, grade 8 to 12. It is located in Herndon, PA. It is a select group of boys who like our Call To Chivalry Camp and the type of Catholic environment that is unique to the TFP. What makes it unique is the militant Catholic spirit. Our goal is not to make good little boys who are easily trampled by leftists when they go into college. Our goal is to instill the desire, the habit and the virtue to fight back against the spirit of the world.

The Main Building, called the House of Mary, of the St. Louis de Montfort Academy.
It is a boarding school. This building includes the dormitory, refectory, assembly room, game room and the chapel.

From our perspective, it is the only way to expand the faith. No, our goal is not merely to preserve. Our goal is to make the faith expand in the public square and change society without neither fear nor restraint.

Students sing the Creed in Latin to begin the day. The fog creates a
mysterious ambience.

When Catholics are confirmed, we are confirmed as soldiers in Christ. Few understand what that means. Fewer even act on it. To be a soldier of Christ today means to oppose Satan and all his work, his snares, and his iniquities. In the TFP, we believe to be a soldier of Christ means to resist, to fight, and to take back what belongs to Christ. This spirit to conquer things for Christ is what we want to instill in the hearts of the youth.

What is TFP Student Action and Seat of Wisdom Institute?

For those who don't know, the TFP Student Action is the TFP's college outreach program of our Seat of Wisdom Institute. The Seat of Wisdom Institute is our college level formation course. It's a free three year course aimed in forming Catholic counterrevolutionaries. Not everyone who studies in the Seat of Wisdom Institute end up becoming TFP members but some do. Whatever their later pursuit is in life, whether college, military or vocational career, what they learn in this Institute will help them to keep fighting for the faith.

A clip of the website of the TFP Student Action. It actively promotes Catholic Culture especially in college campuses.

What is a caravan and a campaign?

To understand what a caravan is, you must first understand what a campaign is. A campaign is the TFP's style of street evangelization where to go to the street and engage the public in a discussion on a current topic. Many times TFP Student Action will go to college campuses and engage students in discussion.We train the young men how to debate in public.

Here a volunteer of TFP Student Action and a student at the Seat of Wisdom Institute
engages students. The student in the blue sweater looks like he's about to say something.

A TFP caravan is when a van load, and at times several van load of young volunteers hit the streets in a city far away from our headquarters in Pennsylvania. When they go out doing campaign for several days in a row then we call this a caravan.

Many times the caravan will camp out near their destination cities. It is an exciting and epic
way to spend part of the Summer or the school year.

Please pray for the young men who volunteer for these efforts to defend and promote Christian civilization.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Regional Conference and Special Men's Discussion Night

Dear Friends of Chivalry,

We are excited to host our first regional conference at the TFP St. Michael Call To Chivalry Center in Waukesha, WI. The conference will be help in the Community Room at 150 W. Main St., Waukesha, WI from 11 to 4.

To receive the speakers we are holding a special Men's Discussion Night. This is served with pizza and beer. It begins with a short presentation intended to provoke deep thoughts and stir good passions.

The topic of discussion is: If the angels lived with us on Earth, would they: a) Opt for the Benedict Option; b) Dedicate themselves to prayer; c) Throw themselves into the fight against the wickedness and snares of the devils.

Yes, it is provocative.

The Men's Discussion Night is a get-together of Catholic gentlemen who wish to discuss serious but entertaining topics in a way a Catholic gentlemen should with other Catholic gentlemen.

In case, you haven't visited the St. Michael Center yet. It is located in the River's Edge Apartment. It is a modest two bedroom apartment but furnished in a way that facilitate manly seriousness and holiness. Below is a bird's view picture of the apartment complex. We hope you can join us for one our programs before the year ends.

The speakers are Mr. Matthew Carlson and Mr. Peter Miller. Each one will add a different spice to the discussion. Please see the flyer below for more information.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

TFP St. Michael Call To Chivalry Center

Dear Friends of Chivalry,

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property is extending its youth and outreach programs to Wisconsin. We are opening the TFP's St. Michael Call To Chivalry Center in Waukesha, WI as a base for our activities in the states of Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota, and Michigan.

What can you expect?

For decades The American TFP has offered Call To Chivalry Camps in Pennsylvania, Louisiana, California, and the Midwest. What else can you expect from the St. Michael Center in the future? You can expect about 6 things.

1) Call To Chivalry Programs. We will be holding either a day program or a weekend program throughout the year. A day program would include fencing lessons, a talk, and activities. A weekend program could be a long hiking trip, a pilgrimage trip, or a road trip to religious or cultural sites. 

2) Fencing Lessons. We are able to instruct up to 20 students at a time in classical fencing, and 8 students at a time in Medieval swords. We can travel in any of the states in our region. These lessons are free though donations to defray the cost of travel is appreciated. Each lesson will include a talk on virtues associated with knighthood. 

3) Men's Discussion Nights. One Friday out of the month, we will have a program for men where we have lively discussions on important topics. This is available to high school students, college students, professionals, and older. Pizza, beer, and other refreshments are served free.

4) Talks and Conferences. Throughout the year, we will host talks and regional conferences on different topics. This is an excellent way for the whole family to get involved.

5) Local Rosary Rallies and Public Activities. The TFP is a pray, think, and do tank. We do a lot of public actions. This includes rosary rallies against Drag Queen Story Hours, or satanic black masses, protests against blasphemous movies, or Fr. James Martin's efforts to make the LGBT agenda accepted inside the Church without any call to conversion. This also includes participating in prolife rallies or marches for life.

6) America Needs Fatima activities. Since a big part of what the TFP does involves the America Needs Fatima program, we will be holding events for our America Needs Fatima members. This includes talks, gatherings, and home visitation program with a beautiful statue of Our Lady of Fatima.

The TFP's St. Michael Call To Chivalry Center is located at 100 Corrina Blvd., Waukesha, WI. It is a modest two-bedroom apartment. From here, we hope to expand the spirit of what makes our program appealing to everyone especially the youth: a Catholic militant spirit focused on facing the evils of the modern world.

To get here from Milwaukee, take I-94 westbound going toward Madison. Take exit 295 and go south. About 2 miles down, make a left on N. Barstow St. (There's a Mobile gas station at the corner.) Cross over the river, then make an immediate left. The Fox River will now be to your left. Rivers Edge Apartment where the center is will be the four-story building to your right. There is a circular driveway with a flag pole in the middle.

This is the main clubroom where we hold talks and foil fencing.

The TFP St. Michael Call To Chivalry Center is an outreach program to youth and families who see the value of the spirit of chivalry. We hope to be of service to everybody but above all the Queen of All Hearts. 

We ask and beg for your prayers so that the spirit of chivalry be spread through this modest venue. If that spirit is restored, then the spirit that will fight for the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will have begun to be restored.

If you know anyone who would like to receive an invitation to our programs, please email us at

St. Michael the archangel, the first knight, pray for us!

Saturday, August 5, 2017

TFP Student Action Summer Caravan

At the beginning of Summer we sent invitations to a select number of young men to join a caravan sponsored by TFP Student Action, an youth outreach program of the TFP.

It was a great way to spend part of the Summer. As most young people only concerned themselves with a Summer full of pleasure, these young men wanted heroism, adventure and epicness in the service of the Catholic  cause. 

We had an excellent group of boys from the states like Colorado, New York, Illinois and Texas. They all showed much dedication and sense of sacrifice. There were no complaints even when we spent the whole day in the streets passing out flyers, engaging drivers to honk in support for life or getting into intense discussions. Many young people today would rather spend the day by the pool. Not these young men.

Enjoy the video below. It shows a little bit of the life of a caravaner.


Friday, July 21, 2017

TFP Student Action Summer Caravan, July 21

TFP Student Action Summer Caravan. How do we start a campaign?

Flags go up. Signs go up. Three Hail Mary's. And the iconic shouting of the name of the organization, Tradition, Family, Property, America, America, America.

Please pray for the young men as they spend part of their Summer defending Catholic issues instead of just lounging at home, or even worse at the beach.

Friday, July 14, 2017

The battle between the children of the virgin and the servants of the serpent

"Quis est Dominus jungatur mihi," quotes St. Louis de Montfort in his prayer requesting for apostles. It means who is of the Lord, join with me.

Faithful Catholics are heading to Belle Plaine, MN to protest the first monument dedicated to the devil to be erected publicly on public grounds. The worship to the devil should never be allowed by a God-fearing society.

The Satanists, as can be seen in their call to action communique below are gathering their troops as well.

This is a clash is those who are of the virgin and those who are of the virgin.

Please join in prayer, fasting, sacrifice and frequent invocations to the angels of Heaven. They fought this battle in Heaven and won. They can help us fight this one and win as well.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

A Catholic Man's Duty to Defend the Weak

Sisters of St. Dominic, Post Falls, Idaho

Religious nuns have long been the symbol of purity, virginity, tenderness, service of others, culture, and discipline. They have also long been seen as the bride of Christ. They represent for humanity the very iamge of maidenhood. These women have given up motherhood to preserve themselves for Christ in perpetual maidenhood.

To abuse a nun, for mere "entertainment", ranks up there with inhumane actions that sins against the virtue of innocence, like kicking a puppy, throwing kittens in a raging river or abusing children.

A local Idaho news station, KREM, ran a story of how the sisters of St. Dominic in Post Falls, ID are being harassed by local teenagers.

Excerpts from
Photo from

The worse part is the profanity and vulgarity with which the nuns are being harassed. It's as if the teenagers know exactly what virtues the nuns practice and what filthy temptations to throw at them.
Excerpts from

The third commandment of Chivalry states that the knight shall respect all weaknesses, and shalt constitute thyself the defender of them. This includes widows, orphans, the poor and the brides of Christ.

The Ten Commandments of the Medieval Code of Chivalry:

  • Thou shalt believe all that the Church teaches, and shalt observe all its directions.
  • Thou shalt defend the Church.
  • Thou shalt respect all weaknesses, and shalt constitute thyself the defender of them.
  • Thou shalt love the country in the which thou wast born.
  • Thou shalt not recoil before the enemy.
  • Thou shalt make war against the Infidel without cessation, and without mercy.
  • Thou shalt perform scrupulously thy feudal duties, if they be not contrary to the laws of God.
  • Thou shalt never lie, and shalt remain faithful to thy pledged word.
  • Thou shalt be generous, and give largesse to everyone.
  • Thou shalt be everywhere and always the champion of the Right and the Good against Injustice and Evil.

Where are the Catholic men to defend these nuns? Where are the modern day knights to ward the filth cast at these brides of Christ? Where are the gentlemen who  are willing to stand up to preserve the innocence and purity of these maidens of Christianity.

This is one of the reasons why the TFP promotes the spirit of chivalry. There used to be a time when this spirit was the point of reference for all men. If you were a men, you needed to practice the virtues associated with chivalry, be you noble or common.

When Clovis, king of Franks, converted, he heard the story of the Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ. He became furious by the injustice. He pounded his battle ax on the ground and exclaimed; "Had I and my Franks been there, it would not have happened."

It was a noble sentiment from a barbarian leader. Yet, already in his statement, one can see the spirit of chivalry. Defend those who cannot defend themselves, to lay down one's life for another, and most especially for Christ.

Such should be the sentiment of all Catholic men in face of the evils of our world. Our desire withe the TFP Call To Chivalry camps is to restore this spirit in the hearts of all men.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Is there hope for our youth?

Many times people wonder if there is hope for our future generations.

It's a valid concern seeing much of the youth mired in immorality, impurity and many times are so self focused they seem not to care for anything but themselves. The world they care for, the only one it seems, is their smart phones, their computers, their video games and their sports.

On the other hand, we frequently see liberal college activists in the news blocking traffic, disrupting pro-life rallies, or demonstrating about how some lives matter but not babies' lives.

Are there still good youths in America? Are all either liberals or apathetic?

The video above show that there is hope for future generations. There are many, which is not reported in the media or reflected in Hollywood, who are selfless, generous, God-fearing and God-loving.
The video linked above demonstrates this.

An atheist group protested that atheists students will be offended if the commencement ceremony began with a prayer. With barely a fight, the board of education agreed and canceled that part of the school's tradition. So, the students took the issue into their own hands. When the valedictorian went up to give his speech, he gestures to the graduates to stand up. Then they recited the Our Father prayer altogether, to the applause of the crowd.

Students Affirming Belief In God Publicly

If just one youth stood up in a crowd, it can make a difference... especially when God is on his "side." When a whole graduation class stands up, imagine how much of a difference that makes.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Medieval Penances for the Knight

Medieval Penances for the Knight

"Thou are dust and to dust you shall return." Nothing reminds us of human frailty more than receiving ashes on Ash Wednesday.

In the age of chivalry, receiving ashes was a reminder to Christians to increase the penances in his daily life in preparation for the commemoration of Our Lord's Passion and Death on Good Friday.

If you haven't picked a Lenten penance yet, here are a few considerations that may help you pick the right one for you.

As penances go, it is good to remember that there is a right fit for everyone. There's an old anecdote that explains this.

One time a man complained to Jesus that his cross was too heavy. Jesus appeared to him and took him to a place full of crosses, some were large, others were small, some looked heavy, others light. Jesus told him to pick the cross that he thinks fits his shoulder just right. The man went to one end of the line of crosses. The crosses in this end were enormous and he could see that his shoulders were not big enough for them. He went to the opposite end. There he saw small crosses. But, when he picked up the smallest and placed it on his should, he found he was unable to carry it. Because it was so small, it cut into his shoulder.  As he went from cross to cross, he found that one was too long, others too short, some to heavy, others were light but too awkward to carry. At length, he comes upon one cross that fit him just right. Jesus said to him; "That's the cross you already have."

Picking a penance is a similar process. It should be something that fits your shoulders perfectly.

When you are picking your Lenten penance, keep in mind that going on a crusades was a penance for the Medieval knights. It was penance for their sins. It wasn't intended to be a campaign of conquest of the Middle East. It was intended to protect the thousands of pilgrims going to the Holy Land every year who suffered abuse, torture, theft, kidnapping, ransoming and death from the Muslims.

This is a concept that liberals hate so much. The Crusades were essentially a protective army meant to defend the defenseless pilgrims who in turn were doing a pilgrimage to the Holy Land as a form of penance for their sins.

The Medieval people took doing penances for one's sins seriously. According to A Medieval Handbooks of Penance by John McNeil and Helena Gamer, doing penance was an integral part of medieval life. For example, according to this book, if you took God's name in vain or swore by Heaven, Hell, or any other creature, then the person must eat bread and water for 15 days. BREAD AND WATER FOR 15 DAYS!

Needless to say, it was a civilization that fostered and cultivated virtue. The medieval people took the practice of their faith seriously and the result was a civilization that loved virtue, honor and heroism. Their customs and habits were an organic expression of the spirit of the times, also expressing virtue.

By contrast, the modern world does everything to foster sin and vice, from the cradle to the grave. The world, for example, fosters vulgarity and profanity. How many times a day do people take God's name in vain? How many swear? How many times do people use vulgar and impure language? It is so prevalent today that mankind has lost the horror. As a result we no longer appreciate, and sometimes even despise, the customs of the Middle Ages.  When the modern man hears of people doing penances for infractions like using foul language, they accuse it as being backwards. Under the same breath, if someone mentions the evil of abortion, liberals in colleges will cry and wail and demand their safe space, as if a great offense had been uttered.

Pope Urban II made the crusade into a penance that would wash away the temporal punishment that sin caused. He granted plenary indulgences to anyone who would bear the cross over their chest to protect the thousands of pilgrims.  It wasn't enough to simply fast on bread and water or wear a hair shirt. It was necessary to channel all the energy the Christian warriors had into something more productive, something that served the needs of the Church.

This is the key point. A young man today, brimming with energy, needs to channel his energy to serve the needs of the Church, mainly defending the Church's teaching in public.

Here are a few simple suggestions for a Lenten sacrifice.

1) Do daily public acts of devotion to Our Lady. This can be as simple as going to the most prominent image of Our Lady at home to say your morning and evening prayers. Or, if you have a lawn statue of Our Lady, to go to the statue and make a daily act of reverence like saying the Hail Holy Queen.

2) Defending Catholic faith and morality even among your friends. Many times our friends or family members will say something that's against the teachings of the Catholic Church and we don't do anything. Peer pressure and the desire to liked by our friends is one of the most common causes why young Catholics abandon their faith.  It's a great sacrifice to stand up and defend Church teachings. This is way harder than giving up desert for Lent. 

3) Stop people from taking God's name in vain. It's common for people today to use God's name in vain. It's an offense against God. It says right so in the 10 Commandments. It takes courage to stand up to defend God's honor. We would do it if our mother's were insulted. Why not for God? Simply tell them, "Don't say that. Stop taking God's name in vain. It's offensive to God and to me."

4) Promote purity and chastity as manly and knightly virtues. Impurity is the downfall of many young people today. Take advantage of Lent to promote it among your friends and social circles. The modern world would like you to think that to be a real man you need to be as impure as a pig. It's not true. The real measure of manliness is Our Lord Jesus Christ and he practiced the purity of a virgin. Never be ashamed to be as pure as Our Lord. 

5) Spend less time playing video games, watching TV or surfing online. Spend more time reading Catholic history of saints and heroes who fought in the service of Holy Mother Church. If you need a list of books, just write to this email: 

6) Be more respectful to your parents and people of authority. Especially today when respect to our parents, elders and people of authority is rejected by the modern world. It is important to practice God's 4th Commandment to us. Make a point of  respecting our parents, honoring them and doing things that please them.

7) Offer acts of reparation for the sins against the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Blessed Francisco Marto, one of the Fatima seers, was only 10 when he died but before then he offered as much penance and sacrifice to console Jesus and Mary. Many sins are offensive to Jesus and Mary. If we make acts of reparation, this turns us into modern day Veronica's. Veronica braved the anger of the crowed to do one act of kindness to Our Lord. He rewarded her with an imprint of his face on her cloth. If we offer acts of reparation to Jesus and Mary today, our hearts will become like unto theirs.

8) Engage in debate to defend Catholic teaching. You can pass out a TFP Student Action flyer against abortion, socialism or same-sex marriage. It's proven to convert many people. Beef up your defenses by studying Catholic arguments against the moral evils of today. You can just leave them in the library, put them up in public bulletin boards like in Panera Bread Co., or leave them in the back of the Church you attend.

9) Be active in your faith. The only necessary thing for evil to triumph is for the good not to do anything. A knight must always be doing something to promote good. Ask us for the closest TFP Student Action representative in your area and see if you can do something in your area. It's easier than you think and very spiritually rewarding.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Sunday, February 12, 2017

What happens when prayer warriors are confronted by radical liberals

What happens when prayer warriors are confronted by radical liberals
 (A battlefield report of the 40 Days For Life Rally and March in Washington, D.C.)

On February 11, 2017, 40 Days For Life organized a nationwide peaceful prayer rally and march. It was one of the most contested prayer rallies any of us could recall.

Members of the Institute of Sedes Sapientiae, a 3 year college level TFP study course, and students and staff from St. Louis de Montfort Academy joined 40 Days For Life in Washington, D.C. Thanks to radical liberals, it was anything but peaceful. They tried to block us at practically every intersection. They pushed and shoved us. They pursued us. They shouted and screamed at us. They had one intention, to prevent us from reaching the Planned Parenthood facility.

We started in front of the U.S. Supreme Court with a short prayer. At around 9:15 we began the 1.7 miles march to the Planned Parenthood facility on 4th and Florida St. NE.

We numbered around 80. They numbered around 80. We had a marching band. They had their slogans. We filled the air with chants of God Bless America and Hail Holy Queen. They filled the air with shouts of “Pro-life is a lie. They don’t care if women die.”

They tried to block us from marching to the facility at least nine times. The first time was soon after we started marching. They rushed ahead of us in order to block the sidewalk we intended to march on. As the two groups approached, there was a lot of uncertainty. The liberals were convinced they had us checkmated but we kept marching forward. We looked at the police. They kept telling us to march forward. The tension was so intense and the suspense so dramatic, it seemed scripted by a novelist. But this was pure unscripted fury versus conviction, morality versus fallacy. At the very moment of collision, the police intervened and let us march on the street. That was the first blockade we evaded. Eight more were yet to come.

We continued on undeterred. Our band was called Holy Choirs of Angels band. It was aptly named and fit the event well. It was truly angelic to hear the harmonies of the fifes, pipes, brass and drum corps play patriotic tunes like God Bless America and Catholic hymns like Immaculate Mary. This was in stark contrast to the cackles and screams coming from the liberal activists.

The second clash came all too soon. This time the pro-abortionists repeated the same play that has deterred so many morning commuters nationwide who found their local highways and beltways suddenly blockaded with arm-locked protesters. In the minds, the liberals may have been puzzled why we were still marching. Why didn’t the blockade tactic work? It work the first time around. After all, liberals have been using this tactic with much success since 2014 when it came to the forefront of liberal awareness perhaps made popularized by the Ferguson riots.

So, there they were, arm-locked and three deep. And, there we were, marching to the tunes played by the band. As we approached, we were uncertain of the outcome. Not only were they blocking the sidewalks, they were blocking the road! It seemed like they had done it. They stopped our advance. They have prevented the practice of our freedom. They have silenced our voices.

However, before the impending clash, the Capital police made an heroic effort to open a narrow lane for us. That was all we needed. We slipped through their barricade harrowed on all sides but barely skipping a step. This was the gesture that gave us confidence that Our Lady had sent guardian angels to protect us.

This clash was more than a clash of causes. It was a clash of convictions, methods, spirits, and faiths. It was a clash of law-abiding citizens and law-breaking brigands. One pro-abortion woman tried blocking TFP Student Action director, Mr. John Ritchie. As Mr. Ritchie marched, this woman jumped in front of him. Apparently she expected to either stop Mr. Ritchie or to provoke him to anger. He simply walked around her. She kept jumping in front of him attempting to slow him down or stop him. We quickly wisened up to her tactic and engaged her in a discussion. We asked her why she was preventing us from exercising free speech. She claimed she was doing no such thing. We pointed out that she was doing exactly that by blocking Mr. Ritchie. Her convictions were visibly shaken so we pushed the point home. She eventually walked away.

Another woman decided to walk in front of the lead banner with her pro-abortion sign. By doing so, it would seem that she and her friend were leading the march and made it look like a march of pro-abortionists. We employed the previous line of argument on her. We accused her of trying to censor our free speech by blocking us. Unwillingly, she let her boyfriend pull her away from the lead banner.

The liberals tried blocking us in the next intersection. A patrol car came to lead the march. The D.C. police hoped this would make it easier to break to blockade. No such luck. They locked arms and refused to move. Again, the police’s heroic effort made an opening for us and through the blockade we went. It became evident that the liberals were becoming more violent against us, ripping our signs and our banners. One man attacked Mr. John Ritchie and ripped part of his clothing off him. Many were in a shoving match with the police. The police had to struggle harder to make the opening for us.

The tension was very high. The chance of violence was reaching a boiling point. The band director, Mr. Gregory Escaro, shouted a prayer to saints and the band responded with spirited voices. Far from being cowered, the pro-life marchers prayed with a militant conviction. “St. Michael,” Mr. Escaro shouted. “Pray for us,” our marchers responded. “Our Lady of Victory! Pray for us.” “Advance? Always! Retreat? Never.” Our prayers filled the streets of Washington with militantly pious invocations.

Not surprisingly it woke up the neighborhood and drew them out to their front door or balcony. They watched this heated exchange between the liberals and pro-lifers stunned, perhaps not entirely sure how this is happening in their own neighborhood. Some residents heckled us but some residents cheered our merry band of pro-lifers. Some even came up to us to shake our hands.

It must be mentioned how brave the participants of the 40 Days For Life are carrying the lead banner. They were the first into the fray and the first into the breech. Of note are Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, Larry Cirigniano, Pastor Patrick Mahoney, and others.

The most intense confrontation was when they decided to sit down on the ground, arm-locked, covering from the sidewalk on the right to the sidewalk on the left and four deep. This time it seemed impenetrable. To pass through, either we would need to step over them, inviting so much trouble, or, be dragged off as one mass by the police, forcing a potential lawsuit. If they were intent to stop us at the onset, at this point they were even more committed. To blockade us sitting down arm-locked was their final weapon against us and they deployed it with the conviction of radicals. These are not your typical liberals. These are seasoned radicals employing tactics straight out of Saul Alynski’s Rules For Radicals. They had deployed one of their most powerful weapons. This weapon is used time and again by liberals to make themselves as the persecuted underdogs. It seemed like our road finally had ended, stopped only a few blocks away from the abortion facility. So far, the liberals denied us the right to have a peaceful and prayerful march. Will they deny us a peaceful and prayerful rally in front of the abortion mill?

Once again, Our Lady intervened. A few marchers went ahead and were inspired to pepper the leaders of the blockade with questions. In the meantime, Our Lady inspired the guardian angels she sent us to find the weak link in the human chain. While the liberal leaders were distracted, the police, with commendable effort, managed to open a very narrow lane for us. Once again the police broke through the blockade and once again we passed through. It would be imprecise to say we went through that unsavory crowd of liberals unmolested. The pro-abortionists struggled with the police chanting angrily; “What will we do? We fight back!” The police had to push back the angry crowd who refused to be denied a fifth time. They wanted to stop us and law-abiding or not, they intended to demonstrate the power of the liberal movement. Yet, we passed through.

We marched on. They tried to stop us a 6th, 7th, 8th or more times but at each confrontation Our Lady, through the cops, found a way to let us pass through. At each instance, the liberal’s commitment to stop us only grew, yet, we still passed through.

It was perhaps the most important lesson we learned on that day. When everything indicated that we reached the end of the road, suddenly Our Lady intervened. What seemed to have been a dead end turned out to be only a lie of the devil. Satan only pretends to be all-powerful. Sometimes we let him trick us into believing him. However, if we confide in Our Lady, she will always find a way through.

When we reached our much contested destination, the Capitol police separated the pro-abortionists from us. We held our rally in peace. We heard many testimonies. We said our prayers. About half way through, the pro-abortionists gave up and abandoned their corner. About half way through, they stopped chanting their slogans. In the end, it was just the pro-lifers singing a hymn to Our Lady, asking her to intervene to defund Planned Parenthood and to shut down the abortion clinic in Washington, D.C. and all the abortion clinics nationwide and worldwide.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Christmas And The Spirit of Chivalry

Christmas and New Year's Greeting From TFP Call To Chivalry - Great Lakes

We are now past midway through Christmastide. Many have made their New Year's resolution already and others are still deciding. Hopefully, these considerations will help you decide on one or perhaps add to what you already have.

The first And Most Iconic Christmas Greeting

The modern world's focus on Christmas is the joyful celebrations, the feasting, the family gathering, the shopping, and the decorations. None of these are evil in and of themselves. However they are secondary concerns. The primary concern for Christmas is revealed by the angels who appeared to the shepherds at the birth of Our Lord; "Glory to God in the highest and peace to men of good will." This greeting was proclaimed by a multitude of heavenly host, meaning battalions of heavenly army.

Many forget that when the bible says "host" it doesn't simply mean "a lot of" something. "A lot of" is the multitude part. Then what does host mean. The original word in Latin is sabaoth which is derived from Greek, which root word is tsebah which means "those who wage war."

Warrior Angels or Delicate Angelic Creatures?

Modern man has forgotten that the angels are warrior creatures. From the first instance of their creation until now, one main thing has defined them. This one thing is contained in the very prayer attributed to them by St. John in the book of the Apocalypse (Protestants call it Revelation). The same prayer that they say repeatedly to God as their main canticle. It is a prayer priests repeat at Holy Mass. This prayer is "Holy, holy, holy, Lord, God of Hosts (read heavenly armies)." This one thing that defines them is that their perpetual prayer to God is to God as the God of the heavenly armies.

Why Is A Heavenly Army Necessary?

One of the reasons for this is so that man realizes the constant danger we face in this valley of tears. Sin and vice run rampant in our world no longer checked by good customs, traditions and Christian family bonds. We are in a constant state of war with the "principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places."

From this viewpoint, the Christmas greeting of the angels acquires a different meaning. They were trying to console men of good will, people who are engaged in this very spiritual battle on Earth. They were letting us know that the heavenly armies are aware of our struggles against the devil and his armies. In other words, they were letting us know that backup has arrived.

Backup has arrived! A multitude of Heavenly Armies waging on the world, the devil and the flesh.

Primarily, this backup came in the form of an infant. Secondarily, it came in the form of a new era of grace granted to mankind where the angels will be more active. (More on this on another post.)

Jesus became man to redeem mankind, to preach against sin and to announce a way of salvation.

A Christmas Greeting From the Man Who Inspired the Call To Chivalry Camps

In the spirit of the heavenly hosts who announced the coming of our backup in the spiritual warfare against the devil, his armies and the world of sin, we offer this excerpt of a Christmas greeting written by Prof. Plinio Correa de Oliveira, the very man who inspired the TFP Call To Chivalry Camps. This was published in December of 1946.

Whatever your New Year's resolution is, we hope it reflects the sentiment of this greeting. To be "men" of good will and to bring true peace on Earth, we must continue on Earth the war waged by the angels in Heaven. Only then will there be true peace on Earth. Only then will God be glorified on Earth as He is in Heaven. Only then will Our Lord Jesus Christ finally be proclaimed as the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

May the spirit of chivalry born from the angelic choirs fill your year with great a desire to serve Holy Mother Church and help reestablish Christian civilization.