Thursday, February 7, 2019

Blasphemous Song and Dance Presentation of the Anunciation World Youth Day January 27 2019 in Panama

A Description of the Blasphemy

On January 27, 2019, the volunteers who made the World Youth Day (WYD) happen had a special audience with Pope Francis. At one point of the ceremony, the volunteers presented a very modern song and dance routine representing the Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel to the Most Blessed Virgin Mary. (You can watch the video by clicking on the video link below.)

An average, perhaps even below average looking girl walks to the stage. She's dressed in tight fitting pants and a blouse. A man dressed with wings, white suit and panama hat approaches her and tells her that she was chosen by God, etc. The girl resists. The man takes her by the hand, tells her not to fear, and starts dancing a type of salsa dance with her. She still resists. Then, the man starts rapping something about God having a plan while a groupe of girls with winds prance about in what I would call immodest for any angel to be wearing, telling her that she will be blessed. The scene goes on with a disembodied voice representing God the father. When they walk off the stage, the girl representing Mary is talking away and pulls out her cell phone, presumably to update her social media status.

If you find this description offensive to the faith, no explanation is necessary. Skip watching the video and offer an act of reparation to Our Lady and St. Gabriel.

If you want a full analysis of why something like this should be seen as an extremely offensive act of irreverence, please read on.

The Respect and Reverence Due to God and the things of God

Whenever speaking to God and of God, all due respect, honor, reverence, worship and adoration must be given him. 

It is normal for each individual to want to be respected and valued for who he is. Whenever disadvantaged people are shamed for not being "like" everyone else, we are quick to condemn those people for bullying. For example, if someone suffers a stuttering disorder, it is only polite to act as if we don't notice it. In fact, to point out his disorder is an act of impoliteness. When it is done intentionally and systematically, then it is bullying. The modern world is extremely sensitive to this type of acts of disrespect. 

Behind the reasoning why any decent human being would that offensive is the fact that all humans deserves to be treated with respect and dignity proper to our nature. This should be "equal" to all who share the same nature. However, respect, honor and dignity are increased depending on one's state in life and most importantly favors, gifts and graces given to him by God.

A father and mother deserves more respect and dignity than their child since they gave life to him. A doctor cures illnesses and saves people from death, so he too deserves more honor than a farmer since his participation to preserve and save lives is more directly involved. This respect is not drawn from simple human dignity. It is drawn from something above human nature, from aspects of excellence

All of us demand respect from each other, even if it were simply the minimum. 

Mary's Qualities is Incommensurable

In the case of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, she represents the highest qualities any mere creature that has ever or will ever work the Earth in the order of nature, in the order of status and in the order of grace. 

She is most excellent in the order of nature because she was preserved from original sin, from actual sin, any imperfection, any weakness of spirit, or anything that would denote that she did not possess the most perfect balance of the most excellent qualities humans are capable of. This means she was not simple minded empty headed girl whose head and heart are filled with the concern of the average teenage girl, which today is mostly about themselves. She would represent the best qualities of women today meaning caring, thoughtful, prayerful, focused, productive, selfless, modest, pure, and above all humble. She possessed the best qualities of the most perfect maiden and the most perfect mother in the same time. 

She is most excellent in the order of status, since she descended from the line of David, immaculate from conception, lived with keen eagerness to serve God in the temple at a young age, became the mother of God and the the queen of all creation.

She is most excellent in the order of grace because God filled her with so much gifts, graces and virtue already from the moment of her conception that it can never be said that any other creature was superior to her in the order of grace. Then at the moment of the Annunciation and the Incarnation, the level of excellence is unique and incommensurable, meaning there is no standard by which to measure this by. The honor of being a pope is a great honor but it is not the greatest of all honors. There have been many popes but foremost of all popes is the St. Peter. All popes guard the treasure which St. Peter and the other apostles have handed down to us through tradition. St. Peter was elected by Our Lord Jesus Christ himself. Even then, as high a function that is, the honor of conceiving the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, carrying Him to term, nourishing Him, raising Him, and teaching Him. On top of that, the scriptures are clear that Mary not only listened to everything that Jesus preached but kept everything in Her heart. She likewise showed an unwavering faith throughout the Passion, Death and Resurrection. When all the apostles slept, she didn't. When all the apostles fled, she didn't. When all the apostles, except one were absent from the foot of the cross, she was not. 

No one who ever followed Christ was more faithful to his teachings than she was.

The Solemnity of Everything Concerning the Work Of Redemption

It is no wonder that when God sent St. Gabriel to her at the Annunciation, it would be with the a state of gravity and ceremony proportion to the most solemn act that man is capable of. It would not be reflective of the attitude of an average girl right down to taking out her cell phone at the end of it all.

One must imagine the annunciation with the same solemnity and gravity as the work of redemption and salvation should be.

It must reflect the spirit of the most solemn part of the mass which is the consecration.

The video is below. 

What is the proper response after watching this? Anyone devoted to Mary should offer acts of reparation against the sins committed against her Immaculate Heart of Mary. A mother's heart is very sensitive to the attitude of her children. Mankind at large is indifferent to her. Others will actively try to diminish the honor, respect and dignity proper to her. It is up to her faithful children to console her in these times.

Here are some pious pictures that remind us the state of spirit the Most Blessed Virgin Mary had during the whole period of her life. She was clearly not a carefree girl. She was consumed with the redemption, salvation and sanctification of humankind.

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