Saturday, October 22, 2016

Sword Lessons At Our Institute Seat of Wisdom

The TFP Call To Chivalry Camp is part of the youth outreach program of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property. We are an organization of lay Catholics dedicated to fighting the moral evils of our time and to defend the values of Christian civilization in United States. We also have sister organizations in other countries.

We run many other programs and activities including the America Needs Fatima campaign.

We run and staff St. Louis de Montfort Academy, a boarding school for boys grades 7 - 12.

We have a three year college level study course called Institute of Seat of Wisdom designed to teach a young man how to defend Catholic principles in the public square. The courses include Catholic history, philosophy, culture, and so on.

One of the extra curricular activities they do is sword lessons and fencing lessons.

Is it necessary for a knight today to know swordfighting? It is a question asked by many. And, truthfully, a true knight would arm himself against the most pernicious enemy of his time. Since in the heart of the knight is the desire to serve the Church. It is reasonable that the modern knight would be best armed against the current enemies of Holy Mother Church and Christendom.

True, when fighting radical muslims, it may come to physical weapons. However, the greatest threat the Church faces and the one that has done the most damage is modernism, liberalism and secularism. In this respect, a true knight is not one who simply prances around in a horse armed with shield, lance and sword. If he doesn't address the main errors that afflict Christian civilization then he is reduced to showmanship. He may even have all the ribbons of honors but he no longer possess the spirit of chivalry.

A young man who understands this and is prepared to fight the enemy on whatever battlefield would benefit a lot from learning swordsmanship. When done in the right spirit, it will serve as a platform to learn spiritual disciplines necessary in debate and discussion. Above all, it helps reconnect our souls to the virtues practice by the knights of old like honor, dignity, integrity.

Here's a quick video of the last sword lesson we had.

Our instructor is Mr. Roark Mitzell, an weapons instructor for over 40 years. He is the founder and director of The Sword Guild of York. He has enriched our programs with his knowledge and instruction.

Most of the young men studying at our Institute Seat of Wisdom have gone through our Academy or our Summer Camps. The tuition, lodging and food are free but we screen our students thoroughly. It's not for the general public but if a young man has ever wondered what it is like to be a modern day knight, this is probably as close as it gets.

Chivalry for us is not just a man with a horse and a sword. We see chivalry in its highest expression, which is medieval chivalry. The knights then were less amorous, romantic and sentimental. They were warriors at the service of Holy Mother Church and Christendom.

If you know any young man who would be interested in trying out a few weeks of study at our Institute, please let them get in touch with us. Simply send an email to the address attached to this blog.

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