Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Youth was not made for pleasure but for heroism.

Chivalry was a medieval institution that included the knights. However, the knights promoted in this blog are not the Rennaissance knights which became amorous, sentimental and lost Christ at its center. Chivalry, above all, is represented by the medieval knight. The medieval knight is knighthood and chivalry par excellence. It was born from a deep admiration of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Holy Mother and love for Holy Mother Church.

As such, it is impossible to separate chivalry from the Catholic Church. The spirit of one is born from the other.

The essence of knighthood can be expressed in the words of Our Lord, "No greater proof of love than for a man to lay down his life for a friend." Jesus did exactly that.

Chivalry is the one of the highest expression of the Catholic spirit and because of that it shines, even as maligned as it is by modern historians, as an admirable and enviable institution. What child has never dreamed of becoming a knight? What boy never wielded a play sword to fight an imaginary foe? The impressions regarding knighthood are very ingrained in the minds of Western and Christian mind and have a special place in our hearts.

Unfortunately, the modern world, especially through Hollywood and literature, has done an incredible job in deforming the image of knighthood and consequently of chivalry. Consequently, the boys who desire to be knights have a horribly misshapen image of them.

The primary goal of this blog is to promote the virtues inherent to chivalry with the hope of restoring its spirit in the hearts of the youth.

The secondary goal of this blog is to keep people up to date with our Call To Chivalry programs in the Great Lakes area with news, reports and inspiring stories.

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