Friday, July 13, 2018

2018 TFP Call To Chivalry Camp Great Lakes Day 3 Report

Dear Parents,As each morning program generally remains the same, there is no need to reiterate.  The first talk of the day after breakfast was given by yours truly about the English Crusaders, focusing specifically on King Richard the Lionhearted.  He is a fascinating character and a truly unique individual.  We spent the majority of the meeting dealing with his most famous battle, the relief of Jaffa.  One can easily find this particular story online in some detail so I will not bore you in this email, but for those who have never read his story, I can assure you that it makes very interesting reading.  Harold Lamb’s book The Crusades: Iron Men and Saints is probably the best source if anyone is looking.  With the lessons of the valiant Crusader King in our minds, we went out to practice swordplay and archery, in weather not much different from the inside of a burning furnace.  We could not help but remind people of the scorching heat over in the Middle East at the time of the Crusades. The major difference is that we are not wearing armor and have the luxury to eat our lunch in the air conditioned refectory of the manor.  How things have changed from the days of the real Iron Men till today.The fathers took a quick lunch this day because we were going to initiate the new Dads into the mysterious science of scuba diving.  For those who were here last year, diving in a pool was a little too tame but I think the ones who had never tried breathing underwater really enjoyed the experience.  There are plans to deepen our knowledge of this craft at some later time in more adventurous regions but as of this camp we had to be content to swim through the clear water of a nine foot deep pool.  As we were peacefully submerged and enjoying the quiet calm of the deep end of the pool, we heard the muffled sounds of a full scale barbarian invasion. The boys had arrived. I must say that the pool looks big...until you cram forty people into it.  Thankfully, Mr. Thomas Schnieder took command of the situation and started competitions.First there were relay races across the deep end of the pool to get the boys tired out, then pyramids  were constructed.  Everyone held their breaths while two boys clambered up the struggling, soaked human bodies, striving with all their might to get to the top first.  There was a struggle, a shriek and then one team crumpled into the water, laughing and panting for breath.  Glancing out of the sides of their eyes they noticed that the second team had a young participant firmly standing on the shoulders of his teammates, waving in triumph.  Meanwhile in quieter sections of the pool, individual people were practicing diving and a few were learning the rudiments of underwater swimming.  All too soon, the order came to vacate the pool and the boys swarmed up the sides, to face the cold spray of the garden hose on their way to the showers. Dinner was served promptly after showers were complete and then the boys headed outside once again to pray the rosary graced by the presence of the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue.  We formed two long and not very straight lines, then marched in procession down the driveway toward the entrance.  Halfway through the rosary, we turned and headed back to the place where Our Lady’s statue awaited us.  Forming in front of the statue, we sang the moving and sublime prayer of Catholics to their Holy Queen from times immemorial.  The Salve Regina rang out vibrantly, the high pitched voices of youth mixing pleasantly with the more sonorous voices of the adults.  Then the statue of Our Lady was taken inside and indoor games and tournaments commenced.Each Summer Camp we offer a variety of tournaments, including Chess, Pingpong, Archery and of course Fencing.  The one who defeats all his opponents may win a prize.  So indoor games can be Inside the bell has rung for debate class and the liberal professors of yesterday have changed their tactics.  This time they will not defend abortion but will go on the offensive.  The real problem, they explain to the boys, is that the Catholic Church is the source of all the violence in the world today.  At this stage the boys were divided into two teams, and had to present counter arguments as a team, after having deliberated together.  Both groups did very well and their answers were convincing...but I may be just a little biased...against the liberal professors.  And since I am writing this history, the record will stand as:Participants 2 and Liberal Professors 0After the “Good Night” talk the participants, very worn out from many activities went thankfully to their beds for some well deserved rest.  And there also go I...till next time.In Jesu et Maria,Michael C. Shibler

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