Friday, July 20, 2018

2018 TFP Call To Chivalry Camp Great Lakes - Day 6 Report

Dear Parents,

The day started at 4:00 AM with a Vigil of Arms.  As the announcement was made over the loudspeakers, roommates woke up their partners and everyone shuffled to the main room for the vigil.  Surrounding the image of Our Lady of Fatima, we sang passiontide songs in honor of the relic of the true cross.  Appropriately, 4:00 AM was the hour that Our Divine Redeemer was arrested in the Garden of Olives  and the ability to spend one hour with a relic of Our Lord’s passion was highly symbolic.  The time seemed short and was very blessed until the time, too soon, that Our Lady had to leave us for the day.  Most of the boys went back to bed for the remainder of the morning till the official wakeup time, but many did not. 

This day was given over to sword battles.  Even the Dads got involved today by taking on the boys during the games.  These battles are done with pvc pipe covered in insulation and then wrapped in duct tape to make a fairly resilient “sword” that can be used to do what every boy instinctively wants to do...whack people with sticks.  The advantage is that no bones are generally broken and a certain amount of skill is necessary to avoid getting hit so reflexes are honed.  Another skill that is fostered in the mock sword battles is teamwork.  When one is mobbed by ten young men vigorously swinging a weapon of some sort it is very comforting to have a team behind you. 

The talk after lunch was about the beginning of the Sexual Revolution that received its greatest impetus using the slogans formulated by the Sorbonne University.  This talk began with a slight overview of the current crisis of morals and then got into the root cause of the chaos we are surrounded with by analyzing the slogans of the Sorbonne Revolution.  The psychological aspects of the slogans may have been a little deep for some of the younger boys but there were plenty of questions to keep them on their toes.  I am sure it did not help that many of the boys had been active since four in the morning and this was their first down time in the day but they were troopers and kept up their heads for the entire talk.

After the talk, most of the Dads continued the discussion for over an hour, bringing up many varied and extremely interesting topics more in line with the modern cyber technological aspects of the revolution and some of the harmful effects they can have on families.  We discussed getting internet filters and accountability using programs like K9 and Covenant Eyes.   The book Glow Kids has been a real eye opener for the staff at the Academy and we cannot recommend people to read it enough...get the real book not the e-book and then pass it on.

Swimming has been a big part of this camp because of the terrible heat and the difficulty with keeping the boys hydrated while doing outdoor games.  After swimming, we all changed into casual clothes and then headed down to a pizza dinner at the picnic tables.  Following dinner, Mr. Thomas Schnieder read an epic story from one of Peter Capstick’s books about hunting a vicious breed of freshwater sharks located in a lake in Central America.  The boys , and the Dads, were hooked throughout the entire story and did not want to end. 

Upon completion of the story, we all lined up for a solemn rosary procession, in which we carried the relic of the True Cross, as we marched slowly down the driveway and back.  Customarily, after the rosary is finished, there is always some time given for indoor games and tournaments, which on this day were all finished, excepting the final sword bout.  After the final debate class and a presentation on the customs of the different regiments of the British Army, the boys headed for a well deserved rest, perhaps to dream of fighting alongside Richard the Lionhearted or Godfrey of Bouillon in the conquest of the Holy Land.

P.S. I am attaching a link to the book that I mentioned earlier when speaking with the Dads.  I cannot recommend it enough and I have also included links to the two of the more effective internet filtration programs out there.

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