Friday, February 22, 2019

How to protest against a Drag Queen Story Hour event properly

So, you found out that they're having a Drag Queen Story Hour event near you or in your state. This offends you enough that you don't want to let this happen without trying to defend children. However you are not able to join the rosary rally. What do you do?

First, is be vigilant. Let others know about it and how horrible it is.

Second, Mr. Robert Ritchie, director of America Needs Fatima, gave are some timely suggestions of how to call the hosting venue.

Remember. Evil only advances because God people fold their arms in face of the threat.

Why we must defend little children from the

Drag Queen Story Hours

All across the country, public libraries are using taxpayer funds to host "Drag Queen Story Hours" (DQSH) that feature adult sodomites often in vulgar costumes, dressed up as womenreading pro-homosexual books to little children.

Besides men dressing in 'drag' and having access to children, one self- described 'drag queen' said publicly: "this is gonna be the grooming of the next generation!" (DISTURBING VIDEO: watch with caution)

"Drag Queen Story Hour" states as its objectives:

"...[capture] the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models..."

" are able to see people who defy rigid gender restrictions and imagine a world where people can present as they wish, where dress up is real."

"...Many children express gender fluidity. DQSH teaches children to embrace gender diversity in themselves and in others..."

Remember the words of the first dictator of the Soviet Union, Vladimir Lenin: "Children, like soft wax, are very malleable and they should be molded into good Communists."

Does your library have Drag Queen events too?

It's time to take action.

Call your local library to say how much you DO NOT want your tax dollars funding Drag Queen events for small children at your local library.

Always be polite yet firm.

You can use these simple words in your phone call:

"I don't want my tax money going to fund a drag queen story hour at the library. And I'm appalled that transvestites are reading pro- sodomite stories to little children."


If you find out that your library is planning a Drag Queen event, please call Cindy at 844-830-3570 or email her TFP and America Needs Fatima will do everything they can to organize a protest.

Yes, please call Cindy at 844-830-3570 or email her at and tell her what you've discovered.

After that, we can plan a protest that will gather people for a Rosary of Reparation against the Drag Queen Story Hour at your library.

Rosary Captains have done beautiful Rosary rallies of Reparation in several states, and the reaction against this abomination is growing. At one rally in South Carolina, 90% of passersby showed agreement for our rosary reparation rally and applauded our stance.

Thank you for taking a stand for God's Children.

I remain,


John Horvat
Vice-President, Tradition, Family and Property (TFP)

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Blasphemous Song and Dance Presentation of the Anunciation World Youth Day January 27 2019 in Panama

A Description of the Blasphemy

On January 27, 2019, the volunteers who made the World Youth Day (WYD) happen had a special audience with Pope Francis. At one point of the ceremony, the volunteers presented a very modern song and dance routine representing the Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel to the Most Blessed Virgin Mary. (You can watch the video by clicking on the video link below.)

An average, perhaps even below average looking girl walks to the stage. She's dressed in tight fitting pants and a blouse. A man dressed with wings, white suit and panama hat approaches her and tells her that she was chosen by God, etc. The girl resists. The man takes her by the hand, tells her not to fear, and starts dancing a type of salsa dance with her. She still resists. Then, the man starts rapping something about God having a plan while a groupe of girls with winds prance about in what I would call immodest for any angel to be wearing, telling her that she will be blessed. The scene goes on with a disembodied voice representing God the father. When they walk off the stage, the girl representing Mary is talking away and pulls out her cell phone, presumably to update her social media status.

If you find this description offensive to the faith, no explanation is necessary. Skip watching the video and offer an act of reparation to Our Lady and St. Gabriel.

If you want a full analysis of why something like this should be seen as an extremely offensive act of irreverence, please read on.

The Respect and Reverence Due to God and the things of God

Whenever speaking to God and of God, all due respect, honor, reverence, worship and adoration must be given him. 

It is normal for each individual to want to be respected and valued for who he is. Whenever disadvantaged people are shamed for not being "like" everyone else, we are quick to condemn those people for bullying. For example, if someone suffers a stuttering disorder, it is only polite to act as if we don't notice it. In fact, to point out his disorder is an act of impoliteness. When it is done intentionally and systematically, then it is bullying. The modern world is extremely sensitive to this type of acts of disrespect. 

Behind the reasoning why any decent human being would that offensive is the fact that all humans deserves to be treated with respect and dignity proper to our nature. This should be "equal" to all who share the same nature. However, respect, honor and dignity are increased depending on one's state in life and most importantly favors, gifts and graces given to him by God.

A father and mother deserves more respect and dignity than their child since they gave life to him. A doctor cures illnesses and saves people from death, so he too deserves more honor than a farmer since his participation to preserve and save lives is more directly involved. This respect is not drawn from simple human dignity. It is drawn from something above human nature, from aspects of excellence

All of us demand respect from each other, even if it were simply the minimum. 

Mary's Qualities is Incommensurable

In the case of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, she represents the highest qualities any mere creature that has ever or will ever work the Earth in the order of nature, in the order of status and in the order of grace. 

She is most excellent in the order of nature because she was preserved from original sin, from actual sin, any imperfection, any weakness of spirit, or anything that would denote that she did not possess the most perfect balance of the most excellent qualities humans are capable of. This means she was not simple minded empty headed girl whose head and heart are filled with the concern of the average teenage girl, which today is mostly about themselves. She would represent the best qualities of women today meaning caring, thoughtful, prayerful, focused, productive, selfless, modest, pure, and above all humble. She possessed the best qualities of the most perfect maiden and the most perfect mother in the same time. 

She is most excellent in the order of status, since she descended from the line of David, immaculate from conception, lived with keen eagerness to serve God in the temple at a young age, became the mother of God and the the queen of all creation.

She is most excellent in the order of grace because God filled her with so much gifts, graces and virtue already from the moment of her conception that it can never be said that any other creature was superior to her in the order of grace. Then at the moment of the Annunciation and the Incarnation, the level of excellence is unique and incommensurable, meaning there is no standard by which to measure this by. The honor of being a pope is a great honor but it is not the greatest of all honors. There have been many popes but foremost of all popes is the St. Peter. All popes guard the treasure which St. Peter and the other apostles have handed down to us through tradition. St. Peter was elected by Our Lord Jesus Christ himself. Even then, as high a function that is, the honor of conceiving the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, carrying Him to term, nourishing Him, raising Him, and teaching Him. On top of that, the scriptures are clear that Mary not only listened to everything that Jesus preached but kept everything in Her heart. She likewise showed an unwavering faith throughout the Passion, Death and Resurrection. When all the apostles slept, she didn't. When all the apostles fled, she didn't. When all the apostles, except one were absent from the foot of the cross, she was not. 

No one who ever followed Christ was more faithful to his teachings than she was.

The Solemnity of Everything Concerning the Work Of Redemption

It is no wonder that when God sent St. Gabriel to her at the Annunciation, it would be with the a state of gravity and ceremony proportion to the most solemn act that man is capable of. It would not be reflective of the attitude of an average girl right down to taking out her cell phone at the end of it all.

One must imagine the annunciation with the same solemnity and gravity as the work of redemption and salvation should be.

It must reflect the spirit of the most solemn part of the mass which is the consecration.

The video is below. 

What is the proper response after watching this? Anyone devoted to Mary should offer acts of reparation against the sins committed against her Immaculate Heart of Mary. A mother's heart is very sensitive to the attitude of her children. Mankind at large is indifferent to her. Others will actively try to diminish the honor, respect and dignity proper to her. It is up to her faithful children to console her in these times.

Here are some pious pictures that remind us the state of spirit the Most Blessed Virgin Mary had during the whole period of her life. She was clearly not a carefree girl. She was consumed with the redemption, salvation and sanctification of humankind.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Report St. Michael Center Men's Discussion Night - September 13, 2018

Report on the St. Michael Center Men's Discussion Night - September 13, 2018

Tonight's discussion was about death penalty and the changes in the catechism regarding it. This is a quick report on it to share the discussion to those who were not able to make it.

It was a very challenging topic.

For those not familiar with the TFP's way of discussion, we like to take liberal arguments and really appreciate the logic behind them. This was one of the topics where logic and faith seemed to be on their side. The moderator provokes people to give their opinions and speak their thoughts by asking questions to everyone attending. It is a mixture of professionals and students. We make sure even the youngest one has a chance to give his opinion. The goal is to promote thinking about the topic in a very serious way. Men like to philosophize. This would be the ambiance to do it.

We definitely do not want to simplify our counterarguments a la Alex Jones style. We don't want to simply say; "They broke the law. They pay the price." Or, "Each inmate costs the tax payer $100,000 a year! Just kill them and save money for something more important like our vets, or the elderly." We want to dig deep into the argument presenting the other side's logic as clearly as possible.

The night's discussion carried over to the dinner table. We crammed 12 people into a table for 8. The company was very enjoyable, elevated and very catholic.

We used Dr. Tobias Winright's article and the USCCB's statement regarding death penalty as the sources to extract arguments against the death penalty. Dr. Winright is an associate professor of theological ethics at St. Louis University. His article was published by Yes, we do love our Jesuits.

The main arguments against death penalty can be divided into three: the argument of innocence, the argument that Lex Talionis is outdated, the argument of the 8th amendment and finally the argument of dignity.

Lex talionis is a law common with many civilizations. It's the eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, blood for blood, life for life law. If you take someone's eye, according to this law, it's only just that your eye should be taken away as well.

One complicated argument was the way God treated Cain who killed his own brother. Instead of killing Cain, God banished him which could be construed that imprisonment (isolation from society) is preferable by God. The counterargument was simple. God is omnipotent. He has the capacity to balance all injustices in the afterlife. Human institutions do not have this ability. They are only able to correct injustices on earth.

The argument of innocence places distrust in the integrity of the justice system. It is corrupt. Completely innocent people are being convicted. Because this injustice can never be corrected once their life is taken away from them, it's better to preserve the life of those innocents.

The TFP St. Michael Center is honored to have a documented relic of the true cross. After dinner we adored the relic. The reliquary includes the relics of St. Anne, St. Mary Magdalene, St. James the lesser, veil of Our Lady and from the workshop of St. Joseph. Undocumented but with the Vatican's seal are the relics of the 12 apostles.

Best comment of the night from one of the guests: "Our Lord confirmed the legitimacy of capital punishment by declaring that Pontius Pilate had the authority to condemn him to death."

The argument of the 8th amendment brought a lot of spice in the discussion. It's the amendment about cruel and unusual punishment. So before 1848, drawing and quartering, burning and disemboweling were accepted forms of sentences for grievous crimes. The Supreme Court ruled that these were considered cruel and unusual punishments and therefore unconstitutional. It's curious that before they were considered cruel and unusual. These were public executions. Since then many other rulings started mitigating what form of punishments were acceptable us not cruel and usual. Today, the means of killing a person on death row is by injection.

Following the logic of the argument, the fact that you are taking away someone's life is cruel and unusual.

The argument of dignity was the hardest. We of course are all pro-life. So why wouldn't every Catholic follow Cardinal Bernardin's Seamless Garment principle. This states that if we are to be pro-life, we must defend the life of everybody, criminals, illegal immigrants, elderly, the terminally ill and the unborn. Since God made man into his image and likeness, and since Jesus incarnated into man elevating human nature to divine level, and since life is sacred, the argument goes that nothing, absolutely nothing can take away the mark of God's image and likeness from man. He will always be in God's image and likeness even when he is a sinner. Therefore, his life is sacred. Imprisonment is sufficient to satisfy justice and to protect society from danger.

The counterargument was in two stages. The first is that when we say life is sacred, it refers more to eternal life rather than earthly life. When we speak of the dignity of man, we speak more of the spiritual life as well. We are made to the image of likeness of God in the sense that we have reason and our soul is immortal. To the degree that we follow nature and grace, we not only maintain this likeness but increase it. The Incarnation elevated human nature to a higher plane by association. Then, the grace of baptism elevates man even higher by imparting a sacred mark. The dignity of a human person does not only take in consideration his nature but grace. The life of grace is the aspect that makes us more into the image and likeness of God. Everything must be done to ensure the sanctification and salvation of the person. Death is not an impediment to sanctification and salvation. To the contrary, seen properly it can be a cause for conversion. As St. Thomas Aquinas argues, if death itself is not incentive enough for conversion, then no other incentive will be sufficient.

The second stage is that all injustices can be repaired by God in the afterlife.

One point someone raised helped us find the counterarguments. This point was the legitimacy of self-defense. If it is absolutely justified to kill a person in order to prevent him from killing an innocent person, then the argument of the absoluteness of the dignity of life is not so absolute. Considering that self-defense or defense of others is preventative of a murder. This means, if a man comes to a school with a gun, it is perfectly it is a just and good act to remove the threat even to the point of killing him BEFORE HE HAS KILLED ANYBODY. In the act of attempting to kill others, his dignity of life is suspended. Why wouldn't be suspended after he has killed others?

There you have a very quick summary of last nights discussion. We hope you are able to join in the future.

After dinner conversation. Everyone is free to stay as long as they want. Normally, people break up into groups of conversations.

Friday, July 20, 2018

2018 TFP Call To Chivalry Camp Great Lakes - Day 6 Report

Dear Parents,

The day started at 4:00 AM with a Vigil of Arms.  As the announcement was made over the loudspeakers, roommates woke up their partners and everyone shuffled to the main room for the vigil.  Surrounding the image of Our Lady of Fatima, we sang passiontide songs in honor of the relic of the true cross.  Appropriately, 4:00 AM was the hour that Our Divine Redeemer was arrested in the Garden of Olives  and the ability to spend one hour with a relic of Our Lord’s passion was highly symbolic.  The time seemed short and was very blessed until the time, too soon, that Our Lady had to leave us for the day.  Most of the boys went back to bed for the remainder of the morning till the official wakeup time, but many did not. 

This day was given over to sword battles.  Even the Dads got involved today by taking on the boys during the games.  These battles are done with pvc pipe covered in insulation and then wrapped in duct tape to make a fairly resilient “sword” that can be used to do what every boy instinctively wants to do...whack people with sticks.  The advantage is that no bones are generally broken and a certain amount of skill is necessary to avoid getting hit so reflexes are honed.  Another skill that is fostered in the mock sword battles is teamwork.  When one is mobbed by ten young men vigorously swinging a weapon of some sort it is very comforting to have a team behind you. 

The talk after lunch was about the beginning of the Sexual Revolution that received its greatest impetus using the slogans formulated by the Sorbonne University.  This talk began with a slight overview of the current crisis of morals and then got into the root cause of the chaos we are surrounded with by analyzing the slogans of the Sorbonne Revolution.  The psychological aspects of the slogans may have been a little deep for some of the younger boys but there were plenty of questions to keep them on their toes.  I am sure it did not help that many of the boys had been active since four in the morning and this was their first down time in the day but they were troopers and kept up their heads for the entire talk.

After the talk, most of the Dads continued the discussion for over an hour, bringing up many varied and extremely interesting topics more in line with the modern cyber technological aspects of the revolution and some of the harmful effects they can have on families.  We discussed getting internet filters and accountability using programs like K9 and Covenant Eyes.   The book Glow Kids has been a real eye opener for the staff at the Academy and we cannot recommend people to read it enough...get the real book not the e-book and then pass it on.

Swimming has been a big part of this camp because of the terrible heat and the difficulty with keeping the boys hydrated while doing outdoor games.  After swimming, we all changed into casual clothes and then headed down to a pizza dinner at the picnic tables.  Following dinner, Mr. Thomas Schnieder read an epic story from one of Peter Capstick’s books about hunting a vicious breed of freshwater sharks located in a lake in Central America.  The boys , and the Dads, were hooked throughout the entire story and did not want to end. 

Upon completion of the story, we all lined up for a solemn rosary procession, in which we carried the relic of the True Cross, as we marched slowly down the driveway and back.  Customarily, after the rosary is finished, there is always some time given for indoor games and tournaments, which on this day were all finished, excepting the final sword bout.  After the final debate class and a presentation on the customs of the different regiments of the British Army, the boys headed for a well deserved rest, perhaps to dream of fighting alongside Richard the Lionhearted or Godfrey of Bouillon in the conquest of the Holy Land.

P.S. I am attaching a link to the book that I mentioned earlier when speaking with the Dads.  I cannot recommend it enough and I have also included links to the two of the more effective internet filtration programs out there.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

2018 TFP Call To Chivalry Camp Great Lakes - Day 5 Report

Dear parents,

            One of the joys of the camp is being able to listen to the talks given by the counselors.  Not only does one learn new things about life and the daily battles we all face but certain ideals, hidden as it were in the depths of people’s souls, only come out thanks to the extensive thought and the careful preparation that goes into TFP Summer Camp meetings.  Here one does not encounter the fluffy, sentimental trivialities so common in popular Catholic or so called Christian bible camps.  Here we deal with serious subjects, given in a manly way, without affectation. 

We also learn about what it means to practice virtue.  The Latin word virtus, which our English word derives from, carries connotations of valor, manliness, excellence, courage, character, and worth, perceived as prime masculine strengths because the Latin word vir, means man.  Mr. Rex gave a talk today about the fact that the highest ideal of manliness is the Crusader.  The Crusaders practiced virtue in many forms not hesitating to fight, and even sometimes lay down their lives, for their holy cause  Today, we are also called to fight, always in a peaceful and legal way, for what we truly believe in.  Thus all the discipline and mental gymnastics that we put the boys through have one end in mind.  The acquisition of heroic virtue.

* * * * Excerpts from the talk * * * * * 

 There are many incomplete role models presented for men to admire: the rebel, the rock star, the actor, the rich person, the funny guy, the good looking and the athletic. By far, the athletic role model is one of the most prevalent today and comes even in many forms of physical prowess whether in sport, military, cars and even video gamers. These role models fail because they do not lead to the highest finality of the human soul, its sanctification.


In the meantime, angels, saints and Our Lord are constantly portrayed lacking any manly characteristics the men today admire so much. We asked the boys who would want to walk around looking like the angel on this picture, dainty hands, flowing robes, rosy cheeks and whose main concern is the physical safety of children. Most boys did not want to be like her.

Even Our Lord is commonly portrayed with this softness of character and personality. Deep in the heart of a young boy, he thinks that if heaven is full of people like this then maybe it may not be a place he would really want to spend all of eternity in.  A conclusion starts forming their heads, heaven is full of wusses, the earth is full of cool people, and hell, represented as being full of the pleasures of the world may not be a bad place after all.

The truth is the opposite. The angels are more virile than any athlete, thug, gangster or barbarian that ever existed. They are definitely stronger than the devils in hell. According to St. Dionysius, their first act of adoration was an act of warfare. They began, so to say, their existence in a state of warfare against lucifer and his angels. Hence their constant prayer to God, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts (meaning heavenly armies) as repeated at mass.

 The Medieval Knight understood this and modeled themselves after this understanding. We sustain that it is the highest expression of Christian austerity because if Jesus said that the highest of the commandments is the love of God and the second is love of neighbor, then the highest form of fulfilling this commandment is when one lays down his life for God, above all, and secondarily, his neighbors. The concept of knighthood was built upon this very logic.

The heart of the knight was permeated by this concept of sacrifice at the service of Holy Mother Church and Christian civilization. They knew that Christ was not soft and effeminate. Instead, as can be seen clearly in this imprint of the Shroud of Turin, even after being beaten down, tortured and killed, he presented a figure of a real man: upright, strong, firm bearing, a full chest. He was not a weak, soft voiced, with dainty gestures. He represented a real man without the effeminacy the modern world presents him to be. He is the highest and most perfect role model a man can follow.

* * * * * Excerpt Ends, Email Resumes * * * * * *

The tournaments continue as the boys compete in archery, fencing, chess and ping pong.  Each day some boys advance a round after a hard won victory.  Each day some fail to advance and these failures are lessons too.  Experience, as many of the younger boys are learning, is a series of failures.  Those who win are rarely those who bragged loudly about their prowess before the game.  To the persistent and the well trained go the prizes.  Lessons like these are invaluable at this crucial time in a young man’s life.  And one game at least half of the boys are really happy they gave their all and the other half will really wish they had won is the treasure hunt.

            There are few things that delight the mind of a young man more than a hunt for treasure.  We can all remember our own childhoods when pirates and the treasures they sought were part of our dreams or sometimes nightmares.  It is the dream, however, that becomes a very palpable reality when one discovers, after some long searching and not a few bruises, a treasure chest full of candy.  All the hard work, and the dads made it a point to make the boys work for their prize, pays off as the teams race toward the final goal.  Candy - glorious, sweet, colorful and mouth watering has an appeal to every boy and every grown up too judging by the surreptitious swiping of a few by the dads before they were put into the chest.  Was it worth all the running and the brain work involved?  The boys certainly think so. 
            After the candy was safely stowed in the refrigerator, everyone rushed to get into their swimming trunks and head out the door.  This time we divided the pool into two parts and played water polo, or rather some variant of the game, with the materials we had on hand.  The better swimmers all took to the deep side which is nine feet at the center and the less experienced stayed in the shallow end.  Some stragglers also learned basic lessons in treading water or diving to the bottom under the mass of kicking and yelling polo players, searching for little things earlier tossed into the deep part of the pool.  Thankfully the pool here is big enough for everyone and has been a real relief after a long day in the hot sun. 

After dinner was shown the story of Father John Gerrard and his miraculous escape from the Tower of London.  This English Jesuit is the only prisoner to have ever escaped the Tower of London and was never recaptured in spite of the tremendous manhunt that tried to find him for months afterward.  The story was shown using a method called a Chinese Shadow, a technique by which an image is projected from the rear of a white screen and the actors show up as shadows.   It is a marvelous way to act out a simple play without any elaborate costumes or even a stage. 

As the night set in, we began to prepare ourselves for a vigil in front of Our Lady’s Pilgrim Virgin statue.  The boys went out in solemn procession to escort the holy relics into the main hall where the room was all prepared for an all night vigil.   It was tradition that before he received the orders of knighthood, a young squire would spend the night in vigil at a church in complete silence.  Before him on a table in front of the altar would be his sword, helmet, armor and spurs with which he would be invested the next day. 

(The participants begin the night's vigil receiving and adoring the relic of the True Cross. It's hard to force boys to be pious. When they see it it can be done like a knight reflecting the highest form of manliness then it becomes easier. As a side not, even though the splinter from the relic of the true cross is material, because it was so inherent to Our Lord Jesus Christ's mission on Earth and because so much of his flesh and blood was spilled on it, then the church mandates that the act of respect owed to it is not simply of veneration but of adoration, keeping in mind all the necessary theological limitations it brings.)

He stayed there praying alone, knowing that from the moment he became a knight his life ceased to belong to him. With the oath he would take in the morning, he would be obliged to offer his life for the defense of Holy Mother Church and to assist orphans, widows and all the weak and oppressed. He would be obliged before God to defend these people.  The reasons for him to run those risks were also before him. They were reasons of a religious character: he knew that Our Lord Jesus Christ wanted him to consecrate himself to that mission. Then, for the love of Our Lady - of whom every knight was a servant and a herald - he made the decision to assume that difficult life.

            It is true that the boys are not yet knights, therefore, as young squires and pages we did not expect them to stay the entire night in silent vigil.  Thus, it was decided that we would all meet at 4:00 AM to do a one hour vigil and that anyone who wanted to spend more time could start their vigil earlier.  Some boys heroically got up during the night to accompany the dads and TFP members as they did shifts through the night in front of our Lady’s statue.  Then all hands were called to attend in the early hours of the morning. 

Once assembled, we prayed a rosary together in front of the statue and then solemnly venerated the relic of the True Cross before sadly bidding the Pilgrim Virgin statue goodby.  As the van carrying her rolled slowly out of the drive, the custodian left the protective case open so that we could have one last look at her lovely face as she passed through two silent rows of assembled camp participants.  Our only consolation was that she would be back with us again the following night.  With that I will close.

In Jesu et Maria,
Michael C. Shibler

Saturday, July 14, 2018

2018 TFP Call To Chivalry Camp Great Lakes - Day 4 Report

Summer Camp Day 4

Dear Parents,

Each day during the camp thus far we have done sword practice.  As the more skilled boys pit themselves against the TFP members, they have a chance to win a coveted pin inscribed with the quote from scripture about “putting on the armor of God”.  This has led to some rather interesting challenges and a very healthy spirit of competition. Each boy is trying his hardest to increase in skill so they can beat each other in a duel but more than anything, they want to take down their teachers.  Thus during fencing, archery, and even ping pong, there have been challenges thrown down to every comer. Many a confident counselor has gone to bed with a bruised ego and sore muscles after being foolish enough to compete with ten or more boys in these contests.  One begins to feel a certain kinship for the Crusader knights who had to fight overwhelming odds each day after a long day at a TFP Summer Camp.

If there is one thing that can be called a crusade today, it is the fight against abortion. It is always important to put one’s training to a real live test.  So that is what we did today.  The boys have been practicing their arguments and perfecting their debating skills throughout their stay with us and were finally able to put them to use.  It is all very well to convince a friendly audience what is right or wrong but today was different, we were not talking to a friendly audience.  As the boys geared up for the campaign, the feeling of joyful anticipation, tinged perhaps with a little fear of the unknown, was palpable.  


There was of course the normal hustle and bustle of getting the vans loaded and the water containers into the truck.  The signs were distributed and the banners were furled. Each piece of the apparatus we were to use on the campaign was tested and then stowed in the vans.  Then the boys loaded up and all waited for the command from our chief to get the extensive caravan moving. Finally came the order, “Lets move out Gentlemen!”  Every heart thrilled and the vehicles headed off the property towards our objective.

Alas for modern technology, although everyone had a GPS and we were traveling mostly together, half the group got hopelessly turned around before we were able to identify the appropriate parking lot.  There we all regrouped and walked toward the Planned (non)Parenthood Center in Aurora.  Being somewhat isolated from any main foot traffic area, there was little pedestrian interaction, although there were plenty of cars who started honking the minute they saw our signs and did not stop until after we stowed them away.  The actual building looked very much like a prison, surrounded by a huge open field and security cameras covered every inch of the facade.  I don’t know what they thought of us but it was probably the most colorful group of people they had ever seen there since we were dressed in the medieval scapulars and had dozens of flying banners reminiscent of the Middle Ages.  

One man did come to talk to us and he was not happy.  He first accused us of being hypocritical because we were in favor of saving babies but we were endangering traffic by our display (supposedly he had almost gotten into a wreck earlier because of the “antics” of a pro-life group).  I patiently had to explain to him that we were from out of state and could not have been the same group because we were not even near the place at the time he stated.  It quickly became clear though that he had issues with what we were defending and not how we were doing it.  Hopefully Mr. Rex can put up some snippets of the debate for you to watch at a later date. 

The boys, needless to say, were thrilled to the marrow of their bones, but there were not enough bad people to go around, so they had to be content with listening keenly to the debate.  During the afternoon session, after the campaign, Mr. Rex played back the video that we had shot and asked the participants to form a rebuttal.  The answers were very good and will surely be used next time they go out to pit their wits against promoters of the unnatural sin of abortion.    

The battle for the unborn is ongoing and there is no end in sight at this time but we are in no way dismayed.  We have that tremendous promise of the Blessed Mother, “In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph.”  So we, following the example of the saints, do everything as if the outcome depended on us, knowing that in reality, it all depends on God.  With that absolute confidence in the final outcome I can cheerfully say Good night.

In Jesu et Maria

Michael C. Shibler

Friday, July 13, 2018

2018 TFP Call To Chivalry Camp Great Lakes Day 3 Report

Dear Parents,As each morning program generally remains the same, there is no need to reiterate.  The first talk of the day after breakfast was given by yours truly about the English Crusaders, focusing specifically on King Richard the Lionhearted.  He is a fascinating character and a truly unique individual.  We spent the majority of the meeting dealing with his most famous battle, the relief of Jaffa.  One can easily find this particular story online in some detail so I will not bore you in this email, but for those who have never read his story, I can assure you that it makes very interesting reading.  Harold Lamb’s book The Crusades: Iron Men and Saints is probably the best source if anyone is looking.  With the lessons of the valiant Crusader King in our minds, we went out to practice swordplay and archery, in weather not much different from the inside of a burning furnace.  We could not help but remind people of the scorching heat over in the Middle East at the time of the Crusades. The major difference is that we are not wearing armor and have the luxury to eat our lunch in the air conditioned refectory of the manor.  How things have changed from the days of the real Iron Men till today.The fathers took a quick lunch this day because we were going to initiate the new Dads into the mysterious science of scuba diving.  For those who were here last year, diving in a pool was a little too tame but I think the ones who had never tried breathing underwater really enjoyed the experience.  There are plans to deepen our knowledge of this craft at some later time in more adventurous regions but as of this camp we had to be content to swim through the clear water of a nine foot deep pool.  As we were peacefully submerged and enjoying the quiet calm of the deep end of the pool, we heard the muffled sounds of a full scale barbarian invasion. The boys had arrived. I must say that the pool looks big...until you cram forty people into it.  Thankfully, Mr. Thomas Schnieder took command of the situation and started competitions.First there were relay races across the deep end of the pool to get the boys tired out, then pyramids  were constructed.  Everyone held their breaths while two boys clambered up the struggling, soaked human bodies, striving with all their might to get to the top first.  There was a struggle, a shriek and then one team crumpled into the water, laughing and panting for breath.  Glancing out of the sides of their eyes they noticed that the second team had a young participant firmly standing on the shoulders of his teammates, waving in triumph.  Meanwhile in quieter sections of the pool, individual people were practicing diving and a few were learning the rudiments of underwater swimming.  All too soon, the order came to vacate the pool and the boys swarmed up the sides, to face the cold spray of the garden hose on their way to the showers. Dinner was served promptly after showers were complete and then the boys headed outside once again to pray the rosary graced by the presence of the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue.  We formed two long and not very straight lines, then marched in procession down the driveway toward the entrance.  Halfway through the rosary, we turned and headed back to the place where Our Lady’s statue awaited us.  Forming in front of the statue, we sang the moving and sublime prayer of Catholics to their Holy Queen from times immemorial.  The Salve Regina rang out vibrantly, the high pitched voices of youth mixing pleasantly with the more sonorous voices of the adults.  Then the statue of Our Lady was taken inside and indoor games and tournaments commenced.Each Summer Camp we offer a variety of tournaments, including Chess, Pingpong, Archery and of course Fencing.  The one who defeats all his opponents may win a prize.  So indoor games can be Inside the bell has rung for debate class and the liberal professors of yesterday have changed their tactics.  This time they will not defend abortion but will go on the offensive.  The real problem, they explain to the boys, is that the Catholic Church is the source of all the violence in the world today.  At this stage the boys were divided into two teams, and had to present counter arguments as a team, after having deliberated together.  Both groups did very well and their answers were convincing...but I may be just a little biased...against the liberal professors.  And since I am writing this history, the record will stand as:Participants 2 and Liberal Professors 0After the “Good Night” talk the participants, very worn out from many activities went thankfully to their beds for some well deserved rest.  And there also go I...till next time.In Jesu et Maria,Michael C. Shibler